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Voice Over: In a world where textbooks cost a fortune.
Where students end up taking fewer classes so they can afford textbooks.
The people cried out for relief.
And from the darkness came:
Wait what is OER?
Second voice over: (Josh talking to camera) It’s Open Educational Resources. OER’s either exist in the public domain or have been released under a Creative Commons license that allows them to be freely used for educators and independent learners.
First Voice Over: Oh cool. Okay to continue. At first OER was scarce and small but overtime grew into a global movement. Many voices joined together to make something new and exciting, but with so many formatting choices, how could the masses create, adapt, and share these open resources? That is until…
There came HCC Pressbooks, a new dynamic and innovative way to store, edit, and publish your electronic OER textbooks. Coming Soon to a monitor near you.
This project was a spoof movie trailer to prompt the upcoming release of our OER Creation Project catalog website. The site is now live ( and is the first self-hosted Community College Pressbooks site in the state of Florida.