Looking back on this whole process has been enlightening. It’s difficult at times to see how much you’ve done, and how far you’ve come if all you’re focused on is what’s directly in front of you at any given moment.
I like to be able to step back and look at the big picture and see this broad array of projects completed through the last two years. It’s been fascinating journey. As someone who works directly with students working online and in-person taking this step behind the curtain into the development process of learning and engagement has been such a perspective shift all the way around.
Now I can look at our courses and see what decisions likely led to this or that assignment or resource. Learning the history and theories behind instructional design has brought me new ideas and approaches when it comes to working with students.
Looking back at these projects I can see how far I’ve come and there is a little cringe when I look at some of my production choices for example the sound on some of my videos is spotty in places. I learned how to edit and produce videos that demonstrated a good contrast between information and engagement.
I’m also happy with the research I did for several projects. I’m a big proponent of learning from history so we can move forward from it and not be forced to learn those lesson over again the hard way.
I really enjoyed working with my team on the Captivate learning game it was a whirlwind summer term class and we pulled it out and worked well together. I dove headfirst into Captivate and enjoyed the program immensely having only had a limited experience with it in another course. This enthusiasm was slightly tampered by the understanding that Captivate is being phased out, but still I think valuable experience and one that I was able to transfer into creating my current project in Storyline for my capstone project which I will probably add to this site when complete.
Overall standing back and looking at all I’ve created in this portfolio I’m proud of what I’ve been able to create, and I’m pleased to look forward to the next step into my career in Learning Design.